How much should someone spend on mishloach Munos?

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Posts: 39
Joined: June 7th, 2020, 9:38 pm

Post by ChiefExecutive »

The Rambam says its better to spend more on matunis luevyonim than mishloch munos. However I saw mishloach muonos advertised for $999. So if he spends so much on mishloach munos, what are you supposed to spend on matunos luvyonim? Probably $1000, but not everyone has so much money. So the shevet musar says that the Rambam only means somone like him who's wealthy. So even if he gives $1000 for matunos luevyonim he still has $999 for mishloach munos, but a regular person should rather spend more on mishloach munos. So this salesman means to say what mishloach manos is and more than that should go for matunos luevyonim.

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Joined: June 16th, 2020, 9:55 pm

Post by Arc »


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Joined: June 25th, 2020, 1:55 pm

Post by virtuosointraining »

I am not sure I understood all of that, but I am pretty sure you answered your own question somewhere in the middle.

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