I started a new party planning business today
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- Posts: 119
- Joined: June 25th, 2020, 1:55 pm
I own a sandwich business. Normally, I create custom sandwiches for my customers, which are freshly created on demand. I no longer operate in person due to COVID-19 concerns. Since the sandwich would no longer be fresh if I would ship it, I now offer "Remote Sandwich Eating." For a small fee, you can now watch me eat your custom sandwich remotely.
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- Posts: 72
- Joined: July 8th, 2020, 2:46 pm
I'm not operating that differently with the pandemic. My Zoom circus is the same as the regular circus, but due to complaints from animal rights activists, we do not have any animals, we don't have clowns because of the 2016 clown sightings, and we don't have any trapeze artists or fire eaters (or anything like that) for insurance reasons and for ethical reasons (due to the risk involved in performing such feats). It's just me in a top hat.